Lahore College for Women University Merit List 2024 Download

We can inform you that Lahore College for Women’s University Merit List 2024 will be announced today. The LCWU O Level Merit List 2024 will be announced in Jan 2024. on the official website ( LCWU Merit List 2024 for Intermediate (Fa, FSC, ICS), BS as well as MS Admissions 2024 (Regular and self-support programs) visit this page. Results and merit lists for Lahore College for Women University LCWU can be found on this page. MS List of Candidates Eligible to be admitted (2nd merit List) is now available on the website of Lahore College for Women University.

How Can I Check Lahore College Merit List 2024 Fsc Pre-Medical? Results and merit lists for Lahore College for Women University LCWU are now available here. The MS List of Eligible Candidates for Admission (2nd Merit List) have also been uploaded on the official website.

Lahore College for Women University Merit List

Lahore College for Women University Merit List

The Lahore College for Women University LCWU FSc, FA, ICS, ICom Merit List 2024 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be posted on this page, if you’re among the candidates who have been accepted into any of the Intermediate classes whether it’s FSC, FA, ICS or ICom you will be able to access the complete list of merits from this page.

Lahore College for Women University is a girls’ institution that offers Intermediate and Postgraduate degrees are provided. It is also the top college in Lahore which is why it is that admissions are now available at LCWU. Students complete their application forms in order to be eligible for admission to the school. However, due to the limited number of seats, officials must create an LCWU inter-merit list in 2024 which will be the first, second, and finally 3rd.

LCWU Merit List 2024 1st 2nd 3rd

It is possibly the oldest female college in Pakistan that provides high-quality education across a variety of disciplines. LWCU was founded in 1922 as a female-only school. It has a constant stream of female students submitting confirmation forms to become part of the school. Nearly 14000 students are currently studying at the college.

Summary- 1st Merit List (Regular Program)

F.A / F.Sc. Part-I SESSION 2024-2025 (Regular Program)

Sr. No. F.A. / F.Sc. MERIT
1. Pre-Medical 1040
2. Pre-Engineering 1033
3. ICS Physics 1035
4. ICS Statistics 986
5. ICS Economics 930
6. Home Economics 792
7. I.COM 872
8. General Science 800
9. Arts (Humanities) 744

LCWU FSc, FA, ICS, ICom Merit List 2024

Lahore College Women’s University is set to announce its merit list on September 13th, 2024. Those who have applied or appeared to be admitted now can verify their names on this page. On the contrary, we have provided the link previously and applicants need to click it and the merit list would appear the merit list on the screen.

[button color=”green” size=”big” link=”http://” icon=”Merit List ” target=”true”]Merit List [/button]

LCWU 1st Merit List 2024

Today, the LCWU organization LCWU has not yet released the merit list that will be the first for students studying FSC, ICS, ICOM as well as arts and sciences. in the event that the merit list is announced that we will post it here for information for the students.

LCWU 2nd Merit List 2024

To provide the pupils, LCWU has announced the 2nd merit list. All students can download it on this website. They have provided the complete timetable of fee submission. Additionally, all students must submit their fees before the deadline and if you fail to submit the fee, then the administration may give your seat to another applicant.

LCWU 3rd Merit List 2024

At the end of the second or third week in November, they will release the merit list for the third time and once they have issued the merit list, they will update this page with the details of the students also all students will look up their names on this page. Additionally, we have provided the link, and clicking on the link will display the merit list in your browser.

In the advertisement for admissions released by the upper direction of Lahore College for Women’s universities, It is clear that the LCWU’s FSc, FA, ICS, ICom Merit List 2024 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be out. It is now, so that is why should submit your admission application for admission to LCWU be sure to keep on this page and receive the most recent updates on this page quickly and faster than other sites. Merit List 2024

LCWU results, along with The LCWU merit lists for the 1st 2nd, and 3rd spring and fall semesters are available for download from the site. LCWU (BS) Merit list for 2024 Students who have submitted their applications for admission to Lahore College for Women University Bachelor BS Admission Lists of merit for the fall of 2024 will be available for all applicants in order to guarantee the acceptance of the students.

Lahore College for Women University Merit List 2024 Download

LCWU F.A / F.Sc. Part-I SESSION 2024 (Regular Program) 3rd Merit List 2024

Pre-Medical Check Merit List
Pre-Engineering Check Merit List
ICS Physics Check Merit List
ICS Statistics Check Merit List
ICS Economics Check Merit List
Home Economics Check Merit List
I.COM Check Merit List
Arts (Humanities) Check Merit List

LCWU 2nd Merit List 2024 for BS Programs

Lahore College For Women LCWU 1st merit list is published by the official. the 2nd and 3rd Merit Lists for 2024 will be made available on this page to ensure that students stay on top of this page to keep up-to-date because each year, the list of merits will not be the same. To check out the merit list for the Lahore College for Women University there are two options available. One is to view it on campus. The second option is to remain home and check this site often.

LCWU Programs

Faculty of Science & Technology

  1. BS Biotechnology
  2. BS Botany
  3. BS Chemistry
  4. BS Environmental Science
  5. BS Geography
  6. BS Mathematics
  7. BS Physics
  8. BS Zoology

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences

  1. BS Applied Psychology
  2. BS Economics
  3. BS History
  4. BS Home Economics
  5. BS International Relations
  6. BS Mass Communication
  7. BS Philosophy
  8. BS Pakistan Studies
  9.  BS Political Science
  10. BS Social Work
  11. BS Statistics

Institute of Design & Visual Arts 

  1. BFA Graphic Design
  2. BFA Visual Arts
  3. BFA Textile Design
  4. BFA Interior Design

Ruth Pfau Women Institute for Leadership and Learning

  1. BS Gender and Development Studies
  2. BS Sociology

Faculty of Islamic & Oriental Learning

  1. BS Islamic studies

Sabiha Mansoor Institute of Languages and Cultures 

  1. BS Arabic
  2. BS English Literature
  3. French (Minor Subject)
  4. BS Persian
  5. BS Punjabi
  6. BS Urdu

Faculty of Management & Administrative Sciences

  1. Management Science
    i.        BBA
    ii.        BCom
  2. Public Administration  (BPA)
  3. LLB (5 years Program)

Faculty of Engineering & Technology

  1. B. Architecture (5 Years)
  2. BS City and Regional Planning
  3. BS Computer Science
  4. BS Disaster Management
  5. BS Electrical Engineering
  6. BS Software Engineering

Faculty of Education 

 Institute of Education

  1. BEd (Elementary)
  2. BEd (Secondary)
  3. BEd (1.5 years )
  4. BS Health and Physical Education
  5. BS Ed ( Science Education )

Faculty of Pharmaceutical & Allied Health Sciences

Institute of Pharmacy

  1. Pharm-D (5 Years)
  2. Doctor of Physical Therapy (5 Years)

BS Self Supporting Program 

  1. BS Biotechnology
  2. BS Botany
  3. BS Geography
  4. BS Environmental Science
  5. BS Mathematics
  6. BS Physics
  7. BS Zoology
  8. BS City and Regional Planning
  9. BS Computer Science
  10. BS Disaster Management
  11. BS Islamic Studies
  12. BS  English Language & Literature
  13. BS Urdu
  14. BEd Elementary
  15. BEd Secondary
  16. BS TESOL
  17. Pharm-D (5 Years)
  18. Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) (5 Years)
  19. BS Applied Psychology
  20. BS Economics
  21. BS Home Economics
  22. BS Mass Communication
  23. BS Computer Science
  24. BS International Relations
  25. BEd (1.5 years )
  26. BFA Graphic Design
  27. BFA Textile Design
  28. BFA Interior Design
  29. BFA Visual Arts

Eligibility Criteria for B.E. Electrical Engineering :

FSc (Pre-Engineering), / DAE (Electronics / Electrical) / BSc (Math’s, Physics, Chemistry) with 60% marks are eligible to apply for a bachelor’s in electrical engineering. The merit of the candidate will be determined according to the following criteria:

Selection Criteria:

            Merit Aggregate
Weightage of recent Entry Test conducted by UET(Math, Physics, Chemistry) 33%
Intermediate( Pre- Engineering)/ ‘A’ Level / DAE( Electronics/Electrical) marks




There will be open competition amongst the FSc/ ‘A’ Level and DAE ( Electronics/ Electrical) holders
Note : UET Entry Test Result for the year ongoing session must  be attached with the submitted form.  Admission will be made on open merit (Punjab domicile). Reserved Seats will be included as per University Criteria

Eligibility Criteria for Pharm-D (Regular Program)

▪      Only F.Sc. Pre-Medical group with minimum 60% marks and A-Level candidates with Pre-medical subjects and Equivalent grades are eligible to apply for Pharm-D admission on open merit seats as well as reserved seats.

▪      The Afghan Nationals must route their application for admission through Higher Education Commission, Islamabad within due date.

Sr. Reserved Seats    No. of Seats

(Total Seats :70)

1 Pharmaceutical Industry Nomination            2%
2 Pharmacist’s Real Daughter 2%
3 Northern Area & other provinces 2%
4 Disable candidates 1%
5 Afghan Nationals 2%
6 Seat reserved for the daughters of LCWU University Teaching Faculty on inter-se-merit. 1%
7 Seat reserved for the daughters of LCWU University Non- Teaching/ Administrative Staff on inter-se-merit. 1%

LCWU 1st Merit List 2024 for BS Programs

LCWU Merit List 2024 for BS Programs has been released as admissions close on September 18, 2024. Then, the university administration will conduct the entrance test. Following the process is completed, the institution will make a merit list. The 1st, 2nd, and third merit lists are expected to be announced in October.

Lahore College For Women University Fee Structure

The most up-to-date fees for each program are in the prospectus. It can be checked by calling the office phone number below or going to the official site. Lahore College for Women University Lahore Merit List 2024.

Fee Structure 2022-2024

Click Here to View the Fee Structure

LCWU Contacts Information

Contact Number: +92-42-99203801-9

Fax: +92-42-99203077

Address: Lahore College for Women University, Jail Road, Lahore.

Official website:

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